Bird Netting Can Help Your Garden Question: Bird Netting is new for me. Last year, I had a horrible problem with birds devouring my just-ripe blueberries. I love the birds, but I also think I deserve some of the blueberries. After all, I planted them and I take care of them. I’ve tried using netting, but tying it around the plants was difficult and made picking hard. Can you help?
Illegal bird netting this winter ‘alarmingly high’
Illegal trapping of birds using bird netting has been alarmingly high this winter, according to the NGO Committee Against Bird Slaughter (CABS).
The CABS activists identified 222 nets and 451 limesticks in just three weeks, the NGO announced on Monday.
According to the environmental organisation, the amount of trapping during the winter months was alarmingly high…